
or overwhelmed? 

You need coaching.

AntiBurnout: A lighter way to live and lead in a heavy world. 

organizations we’ve worked with

how we do it

one on one coaching

one on one coaching

Elevate your leadership to new heights with personalized guidance from our experienced coaches. Gain clarity, reduce overwhelm, and conquer leadership tensions, empowering you to lead with purpose and effectiveness.

effective leaders cohort

effective leaders cohort

An 8 week group coaching journey designed to learn The 10 Core Skills of EFFECTIVE Leadership. Empower yourself and your team with the knowledge and practice to reach your full leadership potential, driving significant positive change in both your personal and professional life.

sabbatical coaching

sabbatical coaching

Embark on a transformative sabbatical journey with our expert support. Craft a rejuvenating sabbatical plan, navigate the experience with intention, and seamlessly re-enter your leadership role, revitalized and equipped for continued success.