
Today is an exciting day, but a peculiar day. My new book Guardrails; Six Principles for a Multiplying Church released. A relational and grassroots message became public. These principles of Kingdom discipleship came to life in cafes, classrooms, living rooms and breakfast joints, and now they are available at the click of a button. At some point most artists lament that the art they created in the messy confines of their basement hangs in a sterile gallery. This is what publishing can feel like. But I believe it’s worth it. I chained myself to the desk. I want to share the message. because it can help people make disciples. I want others to experience victory and fruit instead of depression and frustration. You can watch my story here.

Here are the four movements of my story that birthed this book.

Heading Toward Burnout

I was heading toward ministry burnout. I was exhausted and overwhelmed at the task of pastoring people and equipping leaders. I was spinning my wheels, working really hard and seeing lacking results. Somehow I thought my hard work was at the center of God’s big plan for those around me. In the midst of frustration and confusion I asked God to clarify some defining principles for discipleship and ministry, a grid of sorts. These principles have put up guardrails along the winding roads of discipleship.

Resisting Structure

Even after I penned these six guiding principles I was afraid. I feared structure would kill the relational nature of discipleship. I feared that meeting in groups of three for multiplication would show a lack of value to those I had been meeting with alone. I feared it wouldn’t work for everyone. I feared it would feel lifeless and sterile. In my experience, no one gets to a ministry of multiplication as an individual or a church without pushing through these same fears. Can’t go around ’em; gotta go through ’em.

Finding Healthy Structure

The next movement of my story was beautiful. God showed me his goodness. A Kingdom foundation of a God already at work invited me to join something instead of trying to produce something. The six principles of keeping discipleship Simple, Holistic, Adaptable, Regular, Reproducible and Positive created some much needed structure. This became the driving factor for letting God work in those around me instead of being driven by my personality. Suddenly I was efforting less and experiencing more fruit. It was time to get out of the way.

Giving it away

I realized these principles were a gift meant to be shared. I had no idea how they would strike a chord. Something clicked in apprentices as they learned and applied these guardrails to their ministry. Something grew deep and resonated quickly. I realized these guardrails were more than a formal teaching about discipleship. They formed a simple and practical foundation for ministry. I began to teach these to anyone I could. They began to unlock things inside of people. I watched people push through fears and made an impact.

I am excited to see more tired leaders push through their fears and find health and impact. Multiplication is possible. Disciples can make more disciples. Leaders can raise up more leaders. Churches can plant more churches.


Disciple on!
