by Alan Briggs | Jun 25, 2019 | Archive
I can’t tell you the number of people I meet who say, “I’ve got this dream burning in my chest.” Then I bump into them a year or two later, and ask, “how’s that dream coming along?” only to find out they haven’t done a thing. Nada. Ideas are free,...
by Alan Briggs | Jun 4, 2019 | Archive
What does it take to lead well in this complex age? A lot. I recently asked this on Facebook and I got a pile of great answers. Nearly every answer pointed below the surface of the leader. No one mentioned more education or more compelling keynotes. I don’t sense...
by Alan Briggs | May 17, 2019 | Family
It’s been a disorienting season. I’m trying to get my bearings. I’ve been sensing distance and release from some of the things I’ve been part of for a long time. Like every human I have a complicated relationship with change. I described change in this post as “a...
by Alan Briggs | May 15, 2019 | Blog
As the end of my second grade school year came to a close I was convinced of just one thing; I would never make it in third grade. Those were the big kids. It was SO much harder. I wasn’t cut out for third grade. As the freedom of summer approached the next three...
by Alan Briggs | Apr 2, 2019 | Archive
Let me guess; you admire a leader and want to get together with them to “pick their brain”. You want to extract their best info, insider secrets and tips on how to get where they are. It’s a sound plan, but here’s the problem; dozens of others want to pick their brain...