by Alan Briggs | Aug 7, 2017 | Archive, City, Family, Neighborhood
I spend a lot of time doing accidental qualitative research with leaders. In other words, I listen while a lot of leaders talk. Over a good cup of coffee or during a coaching session issues leak out. Every leader has them. Leadership is hard and continues to...
by Alan Briggs | Jul 31, 2017 | Family
Whoever created fidget spinners is belly laughing at the world on their yacht right now. What a brilliant idea to transform ball bearings into time wasters! My kids have a few of these, and I’ve been known to a grab a few spins each week. Don’t judge me. This...
by Alan Briggs | Jul 24, 2017 | Archive, City, Family, Neighborhood
There’s nothing more fulfilling than turning ideas into realities that impact others. Well, maybe there is. The only thing I love more than launching ideas myself is helping others launch theirs. I get the privilege of coaching leaders through the stages...
by Alan Briggs | Jul 17, 2017 | City
It was the end of senior year of college, and the whole earth was about to become my oyster. Or something like that. I had just finished the most grueling and boring project of my academic career; an eighty page senior thesis. I was preparing to sit down with...
by Alan Briggs | Jul 11, 2017 | Archive, City, Family
Don’t ask your goldfish how the water is. Goldie won’t have any idea what you’re talking about. The same could be said of most of us. We are swimming freestyle in our culture each minute of the day immersed in currents of joy and struggle. At times it can feel like we...