Feeling unfulfilled after vacation?

Feeling unfulfilled after vacation?

  Ever been disappointed after vacation? Somehow it didn’t do the trick. We are more stressed than when we left. Plans never materialized like we hoped they would. We need a vacation from vacation. I’ve found myself unfulfilled and tired after many breaks....
Your distraction is eating your creativity

Your distraction is eating your creativity

  I’m always so distracted.  I hear this a lot. Let me ask you something… WHY are you so distracted?  Distraction is the status quo in our culture, a badge we wear to convince others we’re normal. We complain about it. Worst of all, we act helpless toward our...
Everyone’s a genius!

Everyone’s a genius!

Something has been growing within me for some time now. View it as a baby announcement. An excited couple has known a secret for a while, but one day the announcement goes public. So, here’s my announcement. My next book Everyone’s a Genius; Unleashing...
Stop leading lame meetings

Stop leading lame meetings

Most meetings are lame. They waste the best time of our best people talking about menial things. They leave us thinking about all the things we didn’t need to know and leave us curious about a few things we really need to know. Most meetings could’ve been email...