by Alan Briggs | Mar 22, 2017 | Archive
Want to make more disciples as a church? Want to raise up indigenous leaders? Want to start planting church? Join our Church Multiplication Cohort starting Tuesday hosted by Frontline Church Planting! This is over video conference, so you and your team can tune in...
by Alan Briggs | Mar 14, 2017 | Archive
I hate internships! There, I said it. The word “intern” accidentally communicates low value. Interns should get ready to do the tasks no one else wants to do and make runs to Starbucks for the team. The worst part is interns never get let behind the proverbial curtain...
by Alan Briggs | Mar 5, 2017 | City, Family
Some days I wake up with tightness in my chest. It’s not heart attack tightness, no sweaty palms, not bad enough to check my email before I brush my teeth. Just stress. The worst part about it is I have no idea why. Instead of trying to beat the stress I’ve learned to...
by Alan Briggs | Jan 26, 2017 | Archive, City, Neighborhood
A guest post by David Bloom “If we fail, will this town notice?” What a terrible question, right? This kind of question keeps church planters and pastors up at night. When my wife and I moved from our Indianapolis apartment to Colorado, did any of our neighbors...
by Alan Briggs | Jan 21, 2017 | Archive, City
Group coaching calls can be an effective way to get over leadership hurdles you are facing at an affordable price point. I will be offering these on a regular basis this year on crucial areas. They are only $29 each. “Creating a culture of investment &...