After two years of pushing full-time to help Stay Forth have its best chance of “making it” I sensed a change was coming. I had asked my amazing wife for a two year pass to push harder than normal, and my buzzer was approaching. In addition to fighting through...

Most of what I’ve learned over the past month has been through what I’ve done. It’s been full to the brim of hosting experiences for leaders. Vision Refreshes: I host leaders in Colorado for a three day experience of analyzing their past, dreaming...

I think I’m supposed to launch this!  I hear this phrase hundreds of times each year from excited change makers over a hot black coffee, in coaching sessions or on a zoom call. Whenever someone utters this I feel two things simultaneously; excited and sad. Most of...

The past holds us back more than we ever realize.  Success in the past holds us back from risking in the future.  Nostalgia of the past limits our vision of what could be.  Baggage from the past keeps us stuck in stinking thinking.  But the past is not all bad. Some...

Imagine your time and energy fall into one of two buckets; drains or fills. Time is so precious, but it isn’t neutral. Why does this matter? If we can recognize whether activities, environments, relationships and tasks drain or fill us we can plan accordingly....