It happened again this morning in one of my coaching conversations…. That “aha” moment when insight, recognition, or inspiration appears and a lightbulb turns on inside. It’s one of my very favorite things about journeying with a client: helping them experience clarity and breakthrough in order to live more fully as who they were created to be! 

But let’s be honest. Often those breakthrough moments don’t seem to just happen in our daily lives. When the mundane realities of life press in, sometimes we can feel like all we’re doing is simply persevering. 

Has that been true for you? Maybe you’re in a season like that now. 

Perhaps you catch yourself going through the motions with your head down, focused on checking off your to-do list, just trying to make it through another 24-hour period. Or maybe your routines are beginning to feel a little more like ruts, and you realize you’re stuck in a holding pattern of “sameness” that’s weighing you down. 

I’ve been there, friend. 

I can still remember vividly trying to keep my head above water in a season that felt much like slogging through a sea of molasses. I can also recall multiple times in which I’ve struggled with finding my path forward, knowing that I was made for “more” but not confident about how to take my next steps into greater thriving and impact. 

My empathy is high for these type of circumstances, because I’ve experienced firsthand the benefit of having a compassionate guide alongside to help navigate the way. What I’ve found during my own difficult seasons was that having a coach helped me to create space to recover my wellbeing in mind, body, soul, and spirit. 

As a result, peace, purpose, and clarity began to emerge. My identity became clearer. I learned the value of rest and to live in alignment with my values. I discovered some helpful rhythms that led me into greater wholeness and renewal. My sense of hope grew, and I began to envision possibilities for the future. My soul became more alive as my true self came back out of hiding. 

These personal experiences working with several coaches actually led to my career change. And now, I have the joy of being that compassionate guide for others. 

Today, my best days involve helping people experience more life as we uncover the “gold” that is within. As those I coach discover their unique design and live their best story with confidence, my own passion is fueled for this amazing work I get to do everyday. 

There’s something about a coach calling forth your true self that yields both beauty and freedom. 

It’s why I’m convinced that coaching changes lives…. Beginning with my own. 

Melissa Sievers

Melissa Sievers

Network Coach

I help those struggling with overwhelm, exhaustion and confusion to cultivate a vibrant inner life of peace, rest, and clarity. My 15 years serving non-profits have grown both my compassion for the challenges ministry leaders face and my passion for empowering leaders to thrive in soul health, purposeful living, and sustainable holistic rhythms. I also love guiding women to discover and flourish in their unique design.