Field notes

for the leadership journey


The past holds us back more than we ever realize.  Success in the past holds us back from risking in the future.  Nostalgia of the past limits our vision of what could be.  Baggage from the past keeps us stuck in stinking thinking.  But the past is not all bad. Some...

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Imagine your time and energy fall into one of two buckets; drains or fills. Time is so precious, but it isn't neutral. Why does this matter? If we can recognize whether activities, environments, relationships and tasks drain or fill us we can plan accordingly. The...

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Meetings are a strange thing. They can be amazing or terrible, a boost or a drain, a catalyst for innovation or an obstacle to morale. Depending on their purpose, structure and timing they can propel teams toward success or devalue the team. The rhythm and purpose of...

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You pop out of bed on Monday feeling frantic. You’re ten minutes behind because you hit snooze and the anxiety is pumping through your veins. The week ahead is looming over you. You scroll through your emails, pop into Instagram and scramble to pick out your clothes....

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What do you do when you don’t know what to do? The answer is a little different for all of us, but when we don’t know what to do most forward-thinking leaders just do something. Start something. Work on something. Read something. Get busy doing something. It seems our...

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Most of what I've learned over the past month has been through what I've done. It's been full to the brim of hosting experiences for leaders. Vision Refreshes: I host leaders in Colorado for a three day experience of analyzing their past, dreaming about what could be...

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I hate when pastor scandals break in the news. We’ve come to expect these headlines will involve sexual sin or destructive pride, but occasionally a story breaks of a pastor who was money-hungry. These financial scandals grieve me on two levels; the damage this causes...

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There’s been a lot of talk about pastors in recent days. Blogs, posts, tweets and major media outlets have been abuzz about the challenges of the pastoral vocation. I lead in several spheres, but one of those has been pastor. For twelve years I have experienced the...

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One of the most fruitful things my family has experienced in the past few years is an embarrassingly simple relational recalibration. The shift started during a busy season of life. God drew me back to those who were far from the Church who I called friends. We moved...

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