Field notes

for the leadership journey


Many years ago I began coaching leaders, although I didn’t know what to call it (funny story for another day). Naturally, the coaching was aimed at helping leaders grow their leadership capacity and competencies. But after a few years of coaching I realized every...

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Do you have a filter for saying YES and NO? You should. YES. We feel the pressure to say it. We feel badly when we don't. We love when people tell us YES, but we often hate saying it to others. It's a cheap word in our culture that often comes at a high price...

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It’s easier than you think. There is a process that I coach people through to help them gain clarity and momentum with growing their organizations  (small business or otherwise) in a way that yields actual results and generates sustainable momentum in the right...

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We hear this question all the time... "What are the benefits of leadership coaching?" Chances are you've wondered the same thing too. Maybe you're dealing with a nagging sense of confusion and you long for clarity. Maybe you're navigating a major life-change and doing...

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Are you weary?Are you feeling more on edge than normal?Are you stressed?Are you longing for some refreshment and fun? Goodness this last year and a half has been a doozy! We’ve experienced grief and loss on somany levels. It’s taken a larger toll on our minds, hearts,...

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It happened again this morning in one of my coaching conversations…. That “aha” moment when insight, recognition, or inspiration appears and a lightbulb turns on inside. It’s one of my very favorite things about journeying with a client: helping them experience...

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