Field notes

for the leadership journey


I'm discouraged    I've been thinking a lot about discouragement.  It's been top of mind.  Why? Because I've been feeling discouraged.  Because my friends are discouraged.  Because my coaching clients are discouraged.    Maybe 2020 didn't cut your heart out with a...

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This is a guest post from Aaron Shamp. He is a pastor, writer, professor, dad and Stay Forth Coaching coaching client based in Lafayette, Louisiana.  I had my spot in the coffee shop. With just a few sips of the hot Costa Rica pour over, I was eager to sit and crank...

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They were the worst of times. Someday I hope I say they were also the best of times. As March spilled into April, and April into May I felt a sinking loss. It was different from the losses that had toppled through the shockwave of a global pandemic jumping our...

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The secret it out; we’re getting older. It literally happens every day. While there are some downsides to this, there are so many upsides. There’s this beautiful thing we experience if we learn from the past and stop pretending to be someone we aren’t. It’s called...

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It's that time of year again; the season we have vision for growth. The holidays are over, and we want next year to be different than last year. Because you're a human I know you want to make progress on something in your life. Finances. Body. Business. Leadership....

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