Leaders ask me this every week. We all seem to struggle with time slipping through our hands.

Many leaders want to fly, but their shoes are glued to the ground by their endless task list. Many of these tasks are out of their genius zone and create a massive burnout risk.

Even though they know these tasks aren’t the best use of their time they’re unsure how to ditch them. Is this you?   

Let me be clear; living in the weeds isn’t a time issue; it’s a priority issue. 

Time is an easy villain to point at, but everyone has the same amount of time. Plenty of leaders are leveraging their time to accomplish what they desire. Before you can rise above leading in the weeds you need to turn the finger back toward you. Yes Taylor, you’re right; “It’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me.”  

Time is an easy villain to point at, but everyone has the same amount of time.

A simple process to get out of the weeds

Before you can get in this mindset and make wise decisions you’ll need to carve time and space for deep work. You can’t follow this process well between meetings or while you’re in your inbox. I recommend putting your phone on Do Not Disturb and carving 2-3 hours away in a space where you’re creative and focused.  

Step 1: Eliminate the things that aren’t necessary

Awareness: Which tasks are not mission critical?

Action: Quit these tasks. (Yeah, this one takes guts)  

Step 2: Delegate the task to someone else or automate it with technology

Awareness: Which tasks should other people or technology steward? Who should steward them or what tech solution is the best fit? 

Action: Transfer the tasks to the appropriate people and technology 

Step 3: If you should do the task designate a time for it in your calendar 

Awareness: Which tasks must I do? Why should I do them?

Action: Put them on my calendar at a recurring time and cancel anything in this block 

Many leaders want to fly, but their shoes are glued to the ground by their endless task list. 

This isn’t easy, but it’s simple. I do this a few times a year, and it ALWAYS yields clarity. This process of eliminating, delegating, automating and designating is encased in a Stay Forth tool called The Declutter Quadrant. It helps to order the chaos in a leader’s schedule.  

Schedule a free Breakthrough Coaching Session to help you get out of the weeds

Alan briggs

Alan briggs


Alan Briggs helps CATALYTIC LEADERS leverage CATALYTIC MOMENTS for SYSTEMIC CHANGE. He serves businesses and nonprofits as a Leadership Coach, Sabbatical Coach, team consultant, podcaster and speaker. He founded and leads Stay Forth Coaching to help leaders experience deep health and impact and create healthy cultures around them.