It’s been encouraging to get your feedback from my recently released book Guardrails; Six Principles for a Multiplying Church. Many of you have shared this with friends and helped to get the word out. Instead of just sharing the book here is a chance to get personal about which thoughts from the book resonated with you. Here is a chance to win a free copy of the book for a friend and a pound of coffee for yourself. Here’s how it works…
SHARE a quote, a paragraph or a takeaway from Guardrails on social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) before October 13th and hashtag #Guardrailsbook
WIN a book for a friend and a pound of fresh roasted coffee for yourself. On October 13th I will randomly select three winners to receive these gifts. I will contact you to send you a pound of Colorado’s finest fresh roasted coffee, and I will sign, write a note and send a copy of Guardrails to anyone you desire.
It’s that simple. Start reading, sharing and hashtagging. Good luck!