A few weeks ago I threw out a challenge to render the image and concept of Staying is the new Going in a unique way. Because this idea is open for interpretation and can apply to so many different areas I had no idea what was going to come in. It’s been fun to see the images folks have come up with to render the simple idea of Staying is the new Going. Below are the winners of the contest. These folks will get a free book and a gift card to their favorite coffee shop. Congrats guys!



This is from Kimberly. She is an artist, city dweller, bike-communter and Cafe manager. Her house is peeking out from behind the sign. She has taken risks to stay forth with those she already knows in the place she already lives.






This is from Rowland. He cares about his community and the relationships he has there. He is a unique creative. He often piddles around with creative things to simply relax, and I’m glad he piddled and came up with this.





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This is from Bethanie. Despite feeling the drain of a mundane work life she has prayed for God to meet her in the mundane in the last few months. The neon symbolizes the heart decision to be excited about the now.